聽起來舒服~~綿綿的尾音 高音SH系列。優雅大方。 好冷喔~~這是我第一個與攝影師拍攝作品, 未來請大家多多指教。 感謝這天天氣還不錯,照片還清楚,來這地方真的很放鬆, 享受大自然的芬多精,吹薩克斯風很有朝氣。(happy) Good cold oh ~ ~ this is my first official work with the photographer shot. The future please give us more guidance. Thanks to this day the weather is not bad, the photos are still clear, come to this place is really relaxed. Enjoy the Phytoncide of nature, blowing saxophone is very energetic. https://www.facebook.com/SAHDUOO.mothpiece.saxophone