
薩克斯風四重奏Cover 那些年我們一起追的女孩。編劇:九把刀、配樂:薛忠銘、侯志堅。演唱:胡夏/作曲:木村充利。



恭喜各位Saxophone的好友!   在這充滿歡樂的農曆新年季節,我們回饋特別的心意, 在過年期間的優惠,同時贈送良件。  祝福大家:龍年飛騰,事事順心,人人如意! 歡迎蒞臨,共享美好音樂時光!

薩克斯風腹式呼吸法保養肺部Saxophone Diaphragmatic Breathing for Lung Health

在吹奏薩克斯風的過程中,我們強調腹式呼吸法的應用。透過深邃的呼吸,不僅為音樂注入豐富的情感,更是對自己肺部的溫柔照顧。每一次吹奏,都是對身體的呵護,讓空氣穩定吸入與和諧的吐氣。 薩得爾的薩克斯風和吹嘴以其流暢和通透的特性而著稱,完美結合腹式呼吸法,為您帶來更加愉悅而健康的音樂體驗。 In the process of playing the saxophone, we emphasize the application of diaphragmatic breathing. Through deep breaths, not only does it infuse rich emotions into the music, but it also serves as gentle care for your lungs. Each performance is a form of self-care, ensuring stable inhalation and harmonious exhalation. 薩得爾薩克斯風工廠專注於製造薩克斯風和吹嘴,致力於提供頂尖的樂器品質。我們深知音樂愛好者對品質的苛求,因此每一支薩克斯風和吹嘴都經過精心打磨,確保您的每次演奏都是滿意而愉快的體驗。歡迎您前來薩得爾,感受音樂品質的巔峰,成為您音樂旅程中最值得信賴的夥伴。 Sahduoo saxophones and mouthpieces are renowned for their smooth and transparent characteristics, seamlessly integrating with diaphragmatic breathing to bring you a more enjoyable and health-conscious musical experience. Sahduoo Saxophone Factory is dedicated to manufacturing top-quality saxophones and mouthpieces, committed to providing instruments of excellence. Understanding the discerning expectations of


修理保養薩克斯風和吹嘴  Repair and Maintenance of Saxophones and Mouthpieces. At this place of unique craftsmanship, every artisan is a passionate defender of music, not just a master, but also a healer of the soul.

Happy Christmas聖誕組曲-薩得爾薩克斯風工廠四重奏SAHDUOO Saxophone Factory Quartet


探索台灣薩克斯風:製造者的匠心工藝與音樂魅力 Exploring Taiwan Saxophones: Craftsmanship and Musical Charisma

搜尋怎麼找到薩克斯風工廠地圖   "專業及精湛工藝  探索台灣薩克斯風的奧秘!匠藝師擁有59年的經驗,堅守著對音樂的熱情和對完美音色的追求。每支樂器都是匠心獨具的傑作,透過精湛的工藝與精密製造,呈現出極致品質的音樂體驗。 "獨特設計和創新功能  我們的薩克斯風不僅融合了傳統的製造技藝,更注入了創新的設計理念和先進的功能。從外觀到音色,每個細節都經過精心雕琢,讓您擁有與眾不同的演奏體驗。  "客製化和個性化服務  我們重視每位音樂家的獨特需求,提供客製化的選擇和個性化的服務。無論您是專業演奏家還是剛踏入音樂領域的初學者,我們都能為您找到最適合的薩克斯風,讓您的音樂旅程更加精彩和豐富。  "評價和回饋  我們引以為傲的不僅是我們的樂器,更是來自全球音樂家的肯定與推崇。透過客戶的回饋和專業評價,我們獲得了無數讚譽和信任,這驅使我們不斷追求卓越,為您帶來優質的薩克斯風樂器。 Exploring Taiwan Saxophones: Craftsmanship and Musical Charisma " Professional and Exquisite Craftsmanship  Delve into the mystery of Taiwan saxophones! Craftsmen with 59 years of experience uphold a fervent passion for music and a relentless pursuit of perfect tonality. Each instrument is a masterpiece of meticulous craftsmanship and precision manufacturing, offering an unparalleled quality music experience. " Unique Design and Innovative Features  Our saxophones seamlessly blend traditional manufacturing techniques with innovative design concepts and cutting-edge features